20 Most Effective Weight Loss Exercises

Weight Loss Exercises - How Different From Other Exercises?

Weight Loss Exercises
20 Most Effective Weight Loss Exercises

When it comes to weight loss exercises, the ones most suitable for exercising the body as a whole will be most appropriate.

You may have felt the difference in your breathing, your heart rate, and your overall body reaction when you performed 1 series of squat weights versus performing 1 series of abdominal presses.

This is the answer to the question "What kind of exercises are suitable for weight loss, exercise and relief" because this type of exercise is able to burn more calories and stimulate fat-burning better than others.

Aside from better exercise selection, another key element is adding weight.

Although not a prerequisite, the added challenge of added weight will stimulate an increase in oxygen consumption and metabolism, which in turn will burn calories even after you have completed your workout.

Keep in mind: Building muscle mass is one of the most effective ways to burn fat. The more muscle mass the body supports, the more calories it will burn at rest. Another reason to add weight to your exercises.

The most common problem is inappropriate calorie intake, not weight training.

Exercise for weight loss at home

Exercise # 1: Squat

Weight Loss Exercises

When exercising, a self-weight squat makes it easier to pay attention to the important technique when performing the exercise.

It is often overlooked by both beginners and advanced because of the desire to use inappropriate pounds for faster results.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand straight with shoulder-width apart and arms in front of the body (chest height) or sides;
  • Keep your head in a neutral position - look ahead;
  • The squat movement begins by pushing the pelvis down and back, not by lowering the knees forward;
  • It continues to bend at the knees, with no movement beyond the step of the step;
  • Put the weight on the heels and the outside of the steps. A good rule of thumb for this effect is to think about trying to split the floor with your feet, applying force in opposite directions;
  • Raise your arms forward and upward as you continue to descend, bending your body into your pelvis and knees;
  • When you reach a point where the pelvis is below the knee line, stop and return to the starting position.
Important: If you are unable to squat without removing your heels from the floor, you may want to try placing the back 1/3 of your foot on a stand. The same applies if the knees pass at the toes during the performance.

Exercise # 2: Attacks - Lunges


Attacks are a multifaceted exercise suitable for people with all kinds of experience because of the numerous modifications it allows. Weight Loss Exercises.

Examples of modifications are attacks with self-weight, assault and rebound, assault with different severity, and others.

They load almost the entire lower body, and much of the upper is used as a stabilizer.

Way of implementation:

  • Take a step forward with your left or right foot, step on your heel and then on a whole step;
  • Lower your body vertically down, trying to keep your spine also upright;
  • Stop the descent before the back knee rests on the floor;
  • If necessary, stabilize for a half-one second and push off with your heels or toes to the starting position;
  • Repeat with the other leg.
When lowering your body, control the position of the front knee above the section between the toes and the heels of the foot. Too far will overload the knee on the hind leg or hip joint on the same too forward will overload the knee on the front leg. Weight Loss Exercises.

Don't take too big or too small steps. The ideal step is one that allows you to kneel almost to the floor with your knees locked in a right angle without twisting your pelvis.

Exercise # 3: Surface Up - Thighs (Step-up)

Weight Loss Exercises

The Step Up exercise exerts a strain on the front thigh while being quite effective in shaping the seat.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand in front of a high surface (box, bench, step) with arms crossed at the waist;
  • Place your left foot on the surface;
  • Lift your body using the strength of your left foot until the leg is fully straightened;
  • Go down to the starting position and repeat the same steps with your right foot.
In case of difficulty in performing the exercise, adjust the height of the surface used. Weight Loss Exercises.

Exercise # 4: Squat + Side Leg Lift - Squat + Side Leg Lift

Squat + Side Leg Lift - Squat + Side Leg Lift
Lose weight exercises

The side-lift squat is a combined multi-tasking exercise suitable for intermediate and advanced fitness enthusiasts.

The combination of a squat with the successive lateral lifting of the left and right legs puts emphasis on the outer thigh at relatively higher energy consumption in a shorter time than self-exercise.

Doing this exercise requires knowledge of the basic squat technique and good control of the muscles in the hip, so this technique is not recommended for beginners.

Way of implementation:

  • Knee vertically down and slightly back so that your knees stay above your toes;
  • Keep your torso (abdomen and waist) tight and your spine straight throughout the movement;
  • If you are aiming for a full squat, lower your seat under your knees, being careful not to peel your heels off the floor. Otherwise, stop shortly before your hips stand horizontally on the floor;
  • Begin to ascend vertically, aiming to keep your spine upright;
  • When you reach the starting position, carry the weight completely on one leg and lift the opposite side;
  • Put the foot back in place, stabilize, and start a new squat, this time using the other foot.
Important: If you are unable to squat without removing your heels from the floor, you may want to try placing the back 1/3 of your foot on a stand. Example:

Common mistakes are twisting in the spine, too fast movement - especially when lowering the legs after being pulled aside and relaxing the stabilizing muscles in the abdomen.

Exercise # 5: Squat + Jump - Squat + Jump

Squat + Jump - Squat + Jump
Squat + Jump - Squat + Jump

A clap + jump is a multifaceted complex movement that develops the endurance and explosive power of the thighs, buttocks, and calves.

The implementation technique is relatively easy when the movement is performed at its own weight.

In addition to the thighs, buttocks, and calves, the muscles of the back thigh, long spine (cross), straight and oblique abdominal muscles are the stabilizers.

Way of implementation:

  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Squat and slightly tilt the body forward;
  • Stretch your arms forward, cross them in front of your breasts (palm-elbow) or place them behind your neck;
  • Get up as fast as you can, trying to make the jump;
  • As you stand, raise and stretch your arms up;
  • Land on your toes to load your calves without sticking your heels to the floor;
  • Squat and return arms and body to the starting position.
Important: For knee problems, stop squatting when the knee angle is straight. Also, in this case, the ground bounce does not need to be high or high explosive.

Exercise # 6. Pushups - Chest, triceps, shoulders (Pushups)

Exercise Pushups - Chest, triceps, shoulders
Exercise Pushups - Chest, triceps, shoulders

Face supports can bring you great results and health benefits.

They are also an ideal exercise when you cannot visit the gym - they load a large part of the body, and one that does not participate directly serves as a stabilizer.

You can change the slope you lower or the width of your arms to change the type of load.

You can also use a bench to put your hands/feet together to increase or decrease the load.

 Way of implementation:
  • Facing the floor, the arms are sideways, slightly in front of the shoulders, the fingers are open and pointing forward. Heels assembled and head slightly forward. The body is stretched.
  • Lower down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
  • Push up until your arms are straight at the elbow.
  • Lower at an explosive but controlled speed.
  • On the descent, you inhale, and when pushed, you exhale.
In difficulty, instead of in the push-up position, kneel. If this option is difficult, the third option is to "push the wall" from the right position, trying to get much of the load into the pectoral muscles.

Exercise # 7:  Plank - Belly, Plank

Belly, Plank
Belly, Plank exercieses

The strap is a static exercise that works the entire body but has gained the reputation of being a top tight abdominal exercise, forcing the abdominal muscles to work simultaneously as a whole.

The various variants and varieties make the exercise accessible and enjoyable by both beginner and advanced fitness enthusiasts.

Way of implementation:

  • Get on your knees and elbows on the mat on the floor.
  • Place your elbows just below the shoulder joints and stretch both legs. The support points should be toes and elbows.
  • Stretch your body so that you feel the tension in your abdominal muscles, but not in your spine. There should be a visual straight line between the shoulders, the hip joint, and the toes.

Exercise # 8: Spider - Breast, Abdomen, Shoulder, Triceps (Spider Crawl)

Many exercises load the lower abdominal muscles ( obliques ), but this exercise also effectively loads the upper, which is called "serratus".

Exercise requires more stamina, coordination, and strength, especially in the hands (triceps) and somewhat in the abdomen. Therefore, it is more suitable for intermediate and advanced trainers.

Beginners can start with different variants of the plank and after they have accumulated training to include the Spider Exercise in their program.

Spider is also a suitable exercise as part of a cardio complex or dynamic warm-up for better mobility.

A big plus is that it covers absolutely every function of the abdominal press (six-pack), namely rotation, anti-extension and a small amount of flexion. To get the biggest dividends out of the exercise, keep it as low as possible to the floor.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand in the front position and lower the body, leaving only a short distance before touching the floor (photos).
  • Without changing your position, take your left foot to your left elbow, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same movement with your right foot - you have already performed one repetition.

Cardio Exercise # 9: Burpees - Whole Body (Burpees)


Burpee is one of the most effective exercises that you can perform at your own weight.

It allows for a lot of modifications, making it a pleasant exercise for both beginners and advanced enthusiasts who want to burn more calories or improve their fitness.

It manages to load the entire body and can be used not only as part of cardio workouts but also for explosiveness, endurance, coordination, and other purposes.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand straight with pelvis width apart and arms at the side of the body.
  • Kneel down and place your palms slightly wider than the shoulders on the floor in front of you.
  • Without changing the position of the upper body, kickback.
  • Land on your toes with your body stretched in a strap position and do a push-up (optional).
  • Again, without moving your upper body, return your legs to the starting position - squat with your hands on the floor
  • Jump up to the weight of your choice, landing is the starting position.
If a barrow is a challenge for you, you can modify it to fit your options.

To slow it down, perform it more slowly, also bounce off the ground at the endpoint or don't bounce at all, and start returning to the starting position.

Exercise # 10. Triceps Chests (Dips)

Triceps Chests (Dips)
Triceps Chests (Dips)

Buckets are an exercise used primarily to increase muscle mass in the breast and triceps.

If we want to emphasize the breasts, we must open our elbows out (elbows sideways). If we are to focus on the triceps, we must place our hands closer to the body (elbows lower back).

Way of implementation:

  • Grab a high surface, stretch your arms at your elbows. This is the starting point.
  • Dropdown as far as possible or until the elbow describes 90 degrees with the forearm.
  • Then return to your starting position.
Do not stretch your elbows upwards in the starting (starting) position as this may cause injury.
Perform the exercise slowly and in a controlled manner to make sure that you feel your chest and/or triceps working.
Do not swing during exercise
Exercise occurs only in the elbows and shoulders.

If you have difficulty performing, place your feet on a higher surface.

Exercise # 11. Mountain Climber - Belly, triceps, hips (Mountain climbers)

Mountain Climber exercises
Mountain Climber exercises

A mountain climber is a multifaceted exercise that loads the entire body and is appropriate for any type of cardio workout or complex but is also extremely effective when we aim to pull out the much-coveted tummy tuck.

The involved muscles are the front thigh, the buttocks (gluteus (butt)), the back thigh, oblique abdominal muscles ( obliques). Auxiliaries include hip flexors, right abdominal muscles, and calves.

Almost all of these muscles are involved as stabilizers.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand in the front position by placing your palms apart at shoulder width or slightly wider.
  • Bend one leg to the chest, tighten the abdominal muscles and tuck the shoulder blades together.
  • From the starting position, alternate the locations of the two legs, lifting the pelvis up and folding the extended leg towards the chest while sliding the other back.

Exercise # 12. Cardio Exercise

Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise

An integral part of achieving good and faster fitness results is cardio training (the cardio workout is fitness jargon for workouts/exercises that burden the cardiovascular system). Weight Loss Exercises.

Cardio exercise can be called any exercise that increases the heart rate and blood circulation.

The difference here with the other exercises in the article is that we aim to increase the heart rate over a longer period of time - 10-20-30 minutes (according to personal options).

Examples of cardio workouts are:

  • Walking fast
  • Cycling or static ergometer, cross-trainer
  • Running
  • Climbing stairs
  • Treadmill
  • Jumping rope and more.
Way of implementation:

  • Choose your favorite cardio activity;
  • Initially, use low intensity, allowing you to perform at least 15 minutes of activity without rest;
  • It's a good idea to start with a lighter cardio option. For example, slowly climbing stairs and descending so you can do the whole workout;
The more intense the cardio workout is, the greater the increase would be seen on the metabolism of the trainer.

Accelerated metabolism also means that it is much easier to manage your weight, whether the goal is to lose fat or gain weight.

Exercise for weight loss in the gym

Exercise # 13. Deadlift - Deadlift

Deadlifting is one of the main exercises for building muscle mass and density throughout the back and legs.

The exercise engages almost every muscle in the body. Properly implemented and tailored to the weights that you cause, it will create serious energy expenditure and positive changes from a hormonal point of view, both for men and women.

Smooth insertion of weights is necessary, as incorrect techniques or attempts to lift too much weight can result in serious injury.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand behind the bar. The feet are usually placed at shoulder-width apart and may point forward or with your fingers slightly outwards;
  • Hold the bar slightly wider than the width of the legs;
  • Bend your knees, lower your buttocks, keep your waist in a straight position (looking forward or slightly upward) throughout the movement;
  • When standing up, take the burden first with the leg and buttocks muscles to engage the back muscles in the next stage;
  • Keep the weight close to your body and do not look down when performing the exercise - this will ensure the correct position of the waist;
  • After straightening the body, lower the shoulders down and try to contract in the back, collecting the shoulder blades against each other;
  • Do not lean back (from the waist) or pull your shoulders back;
  • Slowly and controlled return to the starting position, leaving the bar on the ground for half a second or repeating all the movement before the weight reaches the floor. Both options are suitable.

Exercise # 14. Barbell Squat - Barbell Squat

Barbell Squat
Barbell Squat

The barbell squat is a multifaceted pushing exercise that loads a wide range of muscle groups and as such has a multi-sport application.

The exercise is suitable for both beginners and advanced. Weight Loss Exercises Finds application in training programs, regardless of whether their goals are enhancements to vision, fitness or functionality.

A neck-barbell squat is an exercise that costs a lot of energy, so it is suitable for inclusion in weight loss/weight loss programs.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand up to the stand and hold the lever a little wider than your shoulders;
  • Take a step forward under the weight and bring your support leg forward to the lever line. Step evenly by carrying the weight evenly distributed between your two legs.
  • Place your shoulder blades under the lever, gently swallow your abdomen and tighten your abdominal and sacral muscles;
  • Press with your whole body starting from the hips and remove the lever.
  • Take a step back and adjust your feet so that your heels are slightly wider than your shoulders and your toes point slightly outwards.
  • Take in the air and stabilize the body; Start the squat by moving your pelvis back before you bend your knees;
  • As soon as the pelvis is taken out, lower your knees slightly outward (even before you bend your knees) and transfer some of the weight to the heels and outer sector of the steps;
  • Begin to bend your knees until your pelvis is below their level;
  • Begin to stand upright until you reach the original position and repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Exercise # 15. Horizontal Recliner - Chest, triceps (Bench press)

Bench press
Bench press

Lifting the rod from the rear bed is a basic exercise.

Top 3 of the classic fitness exercises, along with deadlift and squat with a barbell behind your neck.

Way of implementation:

  • Lay down on a bench and stepwell on the floor so that you have a stable base under your feet,
  • Grasp the lever at the level of your shoulders and lift your body forward and upward by twisting your spine into a slight arch, then tightening the muscles in the upper back, pulling your shoulders together and pulling your shoulders back and down until touch them to the bench.
  • Position your palms on the lever with a grip wider than the shoulder and pull out the bar;
  • Position the weight above your shoulders and start lowering to the middle sector of your chest;
  • Hold for a split second or try to start lifting right away;
  • Lift in a slight curve from the descent point to a point vertically above your shoulders;
Common mistakes when performing a horizontal lounger are: lowering the weight too fast, pushing the lever off the chest, lifting the legs off the floor when pushed instead of pressing in the heels for extra support.

Exercise # 16. Shoulder Press - Shoulder Press, Shoulder Press, Back (Shoulder Press)

Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press

A shoulder press or a military press is a multi-pronged push exercise. It can be operated with a lever or dumbbell, straight or standing.

A shoulder press with a lever is the most optimal option for our case.

An exercise that will help build muscle and shape your shoulders while being a measure of strength and a challenge for mobility and stability.

Method of implementation (the most convenient option is to take the lever from the stand for the squat) :

  • Stand up to the stand and position your palms on the lever with the grip slightly wider than the shoulder.
  • Remove the lever from the stand and place it in front of your chest;
  • Push the lever over your head until your arms are fully extended;
  • Lower the lever slowly and controlled to the starting position and make the desired number of repetitions.
A shoulder press can be a contraindication if you have pain in your shoulders or waist. In this case, a seat dumbbell shoulder strap with a cross resting on a stand would be a safer option.

Exercise # 17: Attacks - Lunges


Attacks are a multifaceted exercise suitable for people with all kinds of experience because of the numerous modifications it allows.

Examples of modifications are attacks with self-weight, assault and rebound, assault with different severity, and others.

They load almost the entire lower body, and much of the upper is used as a stabilizer.

Way of implementation:

  • Take a step forward with your left or right foot, step on your heel and then on a whole step;
  • Lower your body vertically down, trying to keep your spine also upright;
  • Stop the descent before the back knee rests on the floor;
  • If necessary, stabilize for the half-one second and push off with your heels or toes to the starting position;
  • Repeat with the other leg.
When lowering your body, control the position of the front knee above the section between the toes and the heels of the foot. Too far will overload the knee on the hind leg or hip joint on the same too forward will overload the knee on the front leg.

Don't take too big or too small steps. The ideal step is one that allows you to kneel almost to the floor with your knees locked in a right angle without twisting your pelvis.

Exercise # 18: Swing with Puddle + Clack - Kettlebell Two Arms Front Swings

Kettlebell Two Arms Front Swings
Kettlebell Two Arms Front Swings

Pudding + Squat Swing is a multifaceted combination movement that involves engaging the muscles of the entire body.

Unlike most exercises, proper exercise involves the use of momentum by synchronizing the muscle groups involved.

Way of implementation:

  • Stand in front of a shoulder-length puddle or slightly wider than your shoulders;
  • Knee and grasp the handle of the poodle with a grip, then stand upright with a straight cross;
  • Try to keep your arms stretched out throughout the movement, with minimal folding as appropriate;
  • When returning the poodle to the floor, make a squat;
  • Without killing all your momentum, start the upward movement by exploding straight (stretching your knees) and lifting your arms.
If you have no experience with this type of exercise, start with a slow pace and light weights until you have mastered the technique. This option is not the classic for an exercise swing, but it puts more weight on your hips and buttocks.

Exercise # 19. Turn and push lever or dumbbells - Clean and Jerk

Clean and Jerk workout
Clean and Jerk workout

Exercise # 20. Dials - Back & Biceps (Pull-Ups)

Dials - Back & Biceps (Pull-Ups)
Dials - Back & Biceps (Pull-Ups)

Some gyms have a beginner's assistive dialer.

Leverage affects several muscle groups at the same time, doing an excellent job for both beginners and advanced.

Way of implementation:

  • Grab your lever, bend your knees slightly and cross your ankles if you need more stability and control;
  • Begin to recruit as you try to feel the tension in your back muscle;
  • In the up position, bend your back to minimize it;
  • When your chin is above the lever, hold for a moment and slowly return to the starting position.
Most of the fitness exercises can be performed at home with the help of dumbbells/dumbbells.

Exercises for weight loss of the abdomen

The popular exercises that strain the abdomen (such as abdominal presses, leg rests, side slopes, etc.) are actually not as effective for weight loss.

The reason is that most of the load a very small area of ​​the body and is not capable of burning large numbers of calories (such as seizures and deadlifts).

Only 3 of the exercises in the article (Planck, Spider and Mountain Climber) load the abdomen directly.

However, more than 10 use their abdominal muscles as a stabilizer for performing movements. This is also an effective way to train your belly.

If you want to work on your abdominal muscles more effectively, I recommend concentrating most of your energy on exercises that are difficult to perform and cause you a boost, increase your heart rate and speed your breathing.

The combination of this type of exercise and abdominal exercise is the best approach, but not focusing on 80-90% of your efforts on one or the other.

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